Vision, Mission & Guiding Principles

Our Vision

The Friends of Maybury State Park is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization comprised of members who care about Maybury State Park and use their ideas, resources, talents and membership fees to support this important urban park. We encourage and advance stewardship, respect the history of the park, appreciate the quiet beauty of the natural areas within the park, promote opportunities the park presents for education, outdoor activities and recreation.

Our Mission

The mission of the Friends of Maybury State Park is to enhance the public’s experience at Maybury State Park. We are dedicated to supporting and promoting recreational, natural, educational, interpretive and accessible activities within the park.

Our Guiding Principles

Membership: We value our Friends’ ideas, skills, talents and volunteer time, as well as their financial support through their membership fees and donations. We value their knowledge, connections to other people and organizations and the opportunity for growth that members present to the organization.

Stewardship: We value stewardship and provide people with opportunities to make a difference by participating in volunteer activities designed to enhance the quality of park resources and facilities.

Michigan State Parks: We value our partnership with the Michigan State Park system and what the park provides to local citizens and other visitors. We strive to enhance the ability of the park staff to provide recreational opportunities and facility improvements. We support staff in their work; communicate ideas, needs, and park users perspective to park staff; and support supplemental activities beyond what the Michigan DNR offers. To the extent possible, we solicit and provide funding for special projects.

Education: We value education and the role it plays in the appreciation and conservation of natural resources within Maybury State Park. We promote park and nature related education and research education. We provide nature programs both within and outside the park.

Partnerships and Stakeholders: We value partnerships and understand the shared importance the support of partnerships and stakeholders bring to our ability to meet our vision and mission. We seek to establish and grow mutually advantageous relationships with our partners, stakeholders and the community.