About Us
The Friends of Maybury State Park achieves its goals by actively being involved at Maybury State Park. We sponsor ongoing activities as well as special one-time activities. Using income from membership fees and fundraising activities, we present nature, family-centered, fitness/sport, and educational activities and programs throughout the year. We actively seek funding to accomplish major projects and constantly invite volunteers to assist in with our activities. We receive financial support for the park each year, through memberships, private and philanthropic donations, and grants. Every dollar collected goes exclusively to Maybury State Park.
We support Eagle Scout projects through small, one-time, project related funding.

Community Events
- Summer Music on Mondays – On the Trailhead Lawn starting the Monday after July 4th for 6 weeks.
- Family Fun Campout – Held in July and hosted by Northville Parks & Rec. The Friends of Maybury State Park volunteers help lead a guided hike around the pond and show points of interest in the park.
- Special Educational Events – The Friends of Maybury State Park has co-sponsored onsite and off-site educational activities on nature subjects as well as the history of the Maybury Sanatorium, which was once located on the land currently occupied by Maybury State Park.

Fitness and Sport Events
- New Year’s Day Hike – This casual, easy, and fun hour of hiking is for young, old, and everyone in between. Get outdoors on New Year’s Day and celebrate the New Year with fresh air and activity.
- Full Moon Hike – Usually in February when the Full Moon will be at its peak.
- March Night Hike – Another fun night hike to enjoy the park in a different night perspective. Usually around the full moon.
Nature Programs
- Spring Wildflower Walk – Learn how to recognize early spring wildflowers. Takes place in May.
- Nature Journaling – Learn how to slow down, focus, and improve your observations through nature. Takes place in June.
- Edible Plant Hike – Learn about all the edible plants in the park. Takes place in August.
- Owl Prowl – Learn about owls on an early December evening which includes a nighttime walk on the trails in search of owls.
Special Volunteer Activities
- Garlic Mustard Pulls – Garlic Mustard is an invasive plant that crowds out and destroys native wildflowers. Volunteers help control this invasive weed during frequently scheduled garlic pulls (1-2 hours). Help us control garlic mustard before it crowds out our native wildflowers.
- Park Clean-Up Day – Help refresh Maybury State Park upon the arrival of spring. Usually around Earth Day in April.